Friday 16 July 2010

Random thoughts

Im the type of girl who really believes in LOVE.. MERCY.. HAPPINESS.. I believe in the mightiness of Allah s.a.w. in whatever happen to us in good or bad times He will be there to give us His almighty healing hand.. for us to move on no matter how hard or how long it takes.. at least i know, He believes in me and His love will always be there for me...

I am not a strong person.. i want to be one.. i act as if im one.. but behind your back im this very fragile little girl.. sometimes i can be strong.. stronger than what it takes for me to be one.. eventually at one time, im like this very weak ugly duckling.. i dunno how my future will be like.. i dunno what my future hold. but i always wanna try my best to live my best during this present moment.. the problem with me is that, im not extroverted in pouring my problems or feelings to people.. im a very introverted person in terms of this heart to heart thingy.. i find it really hard to share with people.. even to those close to me.. i always find the right time, the right place.. then i'll pour it out.. but most of the time it'll just burn inside without being poured.. sometimes i turn to you (my blog).. most of the time i seek for Allah's hand.. i've abandon lots of things in my past..

This year im learning to be a better person.. a better person in terms of not letting out what shouldnt be.. to act accordingly.. to be nice to people.. to love those around me more.. to appreciate what i still have... to learn from my past mistakes... to not trust people easily.. to be more open-minded.. to aim higher..


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