Thursday 27 August 2009

Sugar rush

Salam ramadhan everyone~ im on my way home now..feeling rather 'yucky' at the mo cz its dat tym of d month.usually i dun have problems with my periods but this month its rather 'menggangu' psl it affects me extremely.especially my sesitivity,my appitite..i feel so weak..too much blood lost this time i guess.hehe *peace*

this week has been extremely busy for me..workloads.. Lagipun its the 4th week sdh kn.cnt expect less jua kn.. Anyhow tym stress2 buat kaja i owez kecarian coklat bh~ im so obsess with chocolates..i cn eat them non-stop.smpi my fren tgur,'ko mkn semua kh mui?' haha psl i ws eating it as if na mo beranti..oh well..lps 2 of cos lh sugar rush..aktif cm nk mampos..haha ketawa ketawa n ketawa.. Oya..a fren of mine dt day tgur nda knal aku psl they saw me nda senyum.they say 'mumui slalu senyum' and i ws stunt..yah mayb at times msa ni ku pyh kn senyum..mahal bh tu..haha nada bh..hop the positive parts of me does nt change..amin2:) thanx for tagur2 me:)

selamat bersungkai later~

Saturday 22 August 2009

uɐɥpɐɯɐɹ ɟo ʎɐp ʇsɹıɟ

Salam everyone~
Its the first day of Ramadhan~ Alhamdulillah~

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Its the ending of week 3 of the semester and so far, this semester seems to be quite tough and challenging for me. I really2 need to motivate myself.. I really2 do.. I need to get rid of all the 'unnecessary stuffs' that don't do me any good AT ALL. I need to be strong.. just now I've been reading an article from on how to Get Over A Break Up and its really2 good! Go and read it if you have the same problem as I do~ everything that I went through, that I feel, that I exeperienced and that I need to be reminded of are stated there~ It opens up my mind..

Anyway, this week has been great! great in a sense that I'm progressing my life with healthy lifestyles..heheh Every monday (except for this fasting month) I will have my aerobic class from 5-6pm.. the next day, I have my Pendidikan Jasmani class which was an exchange with my Art class. So far, I really love the class especially with friends who keeps supporting and makes me laugh all the time.. it makes the sports enjoying aNd really fun to do especially for a person like me who does not like sport that much. We also have the Communication Skills class which combined with the GenNext students.. Its the type of class that most classes in Brunei Darussalam should be practising, especially in the secondary schools. Our lecturer gives us a topic, just simple topic like IS AMAH NECESSARY IN HOME? and we voice out our opinions freely in the class. Every class there will be lots of discussions taking place which is good.. Im really proud to be in this GenNext class cos its very different from the classes I've been through for the past 3 years :) Last wednesday, me, eyan, hana and filzah went to watch the performance from the Rakis Club which was soooo fun! The Mahsuri one really touched me :....( Great job to the Rakis Club!

Tommorow we will be sleeping over at Mena's cribs with Tan and the 3 Charlie's angels..ahaha quite compact jualah my schedule this semester but I can't complain more~ :)

Selamat Berbuka Puasa later~~~ :)

Thursday 20 August 2009

Ramadhan ya Ramadhan

Salam on my way home.masa ni at my sis's car while 2ngu ia bli brg rh skh 2tong..lawa lgu rh radio msa ni..jgn da dusta di antara kita frm angkasa band..i tink lgu lma bt d new version..lawa eh..'ku horamti keputusan mu walau pa pun kau katakan..sebelum jauh kita melangkah kau kata kn saja..'

later the whole brunei will be informed about d 1st day of ramadhan almubarak.. Syukran syukran.. Marilah kita bersama2 menyambut bulan ramadhan dgn hati yang penuh rasa kesyukuran dan ibadah kepada yang Maha Esa..amin2..

Wednesday 12 August 2009

The old me

Salam nw laying on bed cz i feel so mentaly,physicaly n emotianaly exhausted these few days..

I miss the old me.. I use to be so strong hearted, i use to be so happy, i use to be the positive minded person, i use to be the gal with the big laughter and the friendly smile, i use to be motivated, i use to be the girl who does not cry..alot about me have change.. I now prefer to alienate myself from people.. I prefer to stay in my room alone.. Sometimes it saddens me when i tink of whats left of me now.. Yes i still have my family and friends but the past still lingers and i tend to have these skeptical views on 'that type' of girl n guy that ruin my trust in love.. Screw it.. -end-

Monday 3 August 2009


Help!!! I cnt sleep n its already 3 am..sigh.. I deactivated my fb for some particular will nt be around fb for only Allah Knows how long.. Hope i cn sleep nw..

Ps: i needed u (u knw who u r) to be there jus to listen to my that so hard to do? Sigh..

Sunday 2 August 2009

New Semester

Assalmualaikum dear readers~ salam sejahtera to you all~

Yes.. I love my new room.. hehe so far its comfortable.. inda panas and friendly.. I wish it'll last long.. My room is still in the same block as the previous year but now I move 2 floors up.. hahah complicated.. meaning to say my room now is in the 2nd floor.. so far the neighbours are friendly.. most of them are the juniors lah..ahaha tua rasa ku eh.. imagine this is my 4th year living in hostel.. so far so gud~ I hope uni life tommorow will start great~ the timetable seems hectic but I have not analyse it plg lagi.. I mean getting rid of the subjects im not taking and all.. later or tommorow morning lah ku buat.. Yes~ have to start tommorow with high spirit~ new goals and principles for this semester.. Work Hard! Work Smart! Be Healthy!

My parents send me and ajem to hostel tadi around 3ish.. went to giant first to buy slipper tuk ke jamban..heheh buleh last minit shopping. then my parents and ajem helped me carry all my stuffs.. ahahha seroonook~sekali angkat ja~ yey! inda ku ngalih.. but tadi was soo panas ah~ its the jerebu season i guess.. and I forgot to bring my umberella ela ela~ sigh.. never mind lah.. so far im planning to jog in the morning.. gotta lose some weight lagi.. yup I lost some weight during this holiday but not that much plg.. not cos I was dieting or excersing kah pa.. just that my liur mkn tu cm disappear lah.. I hope dah ku di hostel ni inda lah ku bertambah2 beliur kan mkn ah~hahha nevertheless.. puasa month is approaching us really soon~ wow.. feel sebak eh.. the holy month is coming soon.. then there comes the raya month.. when we are suppose to be happy.. but I dun think mine will be much happier than the previous years.. some of you may know why..

Oh well~ here I am again.. feeling sob not productive eh~ wake up muii!!!

Bh kamu~ gotta catch some sleep..tadaaa~ Assalmualaikum~
