Sunday 2 August 2009

New Semester

Assalmualaikum dear readers~ salam sejahtera to you all~

Yes.. I love my new room.. hehe so far its comfortable.. inda panas and friendly.. I wish it'll last long.. My room is still in the same block as the previous year but now I move 2 floors up.. hahah complicated.. meaning to say my room now is in the 2nd floor.. so far the neighbours are friendly.. most of them are the juniors lah..ahaha tua rasa ku eh.. imagine this is my 4th year living in hostel.. so far so gud~ I hope uni life tommorow will start great~ the timetable seems hectic but I have not analyse it plg lagi.. I mean getting rid of the subjects im not taking and all.. later or tommorow morning lah ku buat.. Yes~ have to start tommorow with high spirit~ new goals and principles for this semester.. Work Hard! Work Smart! Be Healthy!

My parents send me and ajem to hostel tadi around 3ish.. went to giant first to buy slipper tuk ke jamban..heheh buleh last minit shopping. then my parents and ajem helped me carry all my stuffs.. ahahha seroonook~sekali angkat ja~ yey! inda ku ngalih.. but tadi was soo panas ah~ its the jerebu season i guess.. and I forgot to bring my umberella ela ela~ sigh.. never mind lah.. so far im planning to jog in the morning.. gotta lose some weight lagi.. yup I lost some weight during this holiday but not that much plg.. not cos I was dieting or excersing kah pa.. just that my liur mkn tu cm disappear lah.. I hope dah ku di hostel ni inda lah ku bertambah2 beliur kan mkn ah~hahha nevertheless.. puasa month is approaching us really soon~ wow.. feel sebak eh.. the holy month is coming soon.. then there comes the raya month.. when we are suppose to be happy.. but I dun think mine will be much happier than the previous years.. some of you may know why..

Oh well~ here I am again.. feeling sob not productive eh~ wake up muii!!!

Bh kamu~ gotta catch some sleep..tadaaa~ Assalmualaikum~


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