Friday 16 July 2010

oh no...

Hello kamu~~ its friday.... waaa time is running so fast.. it feels like mcm yesterday monday now friday tia.. next week will be a superbly busy week for me.. had plans from monday till the end of the week.. hopfully everything will run smoothly.. amin~ next week nya lagi gonna be busy jua cos end of the week pulang hostel.. if ku inda salah kira lah tu..hehe waaaaaaa im getting neves.. hostel ku alum bayar.. im waiting for the elaun to come out.. waaaa broke th ku ni this month byr hostel..huhu baju raya ku siap sdh but im broke to pick it up *sigh* di malam kan went to tutong town with the sibs.. kali kan when we were jln2 rh huaho mcm semua kan ku bali..  semuath nyaman usulnya..ahah sdh broke atu semuath nyaman bah..ahah  AND baju2 ku alum terikah lagi.. semua alum lagi.. usually semangat sdh ku ni.. but now mcm kurang2 sikit lah.. maybe if ku di hostel nanti semangat kali dah ku..hehe im planning to usai2 lawa2 laa.. bagi cucul apa supaya ku semangat since ani last sem ku di hostel.. i dun mind lah if hostel masih rah tmpt lama.. first pasal ia more closer to uni.. which is good if jalan kaki pun ok.. the new hostel is kinda far from uni.. been like tumpang2 my frens all this while to uni.. which sometimes make me feel bad.. you know inda nyaman rasa bah.. this sem i dunno if transport mengizinkan.. i hope it will.. if anything, buleh jua ku pickup the girls jua to uni without me ikut2 drg saja kan.. amin2.. 

Oyaa.. di malam kan kami planning to go to perayaan.. plan to go to perayaan at lapau p mcm akhir sdh bah since time tu kami baru balik from the beach.. so we jln2 saja arah perayaan tutong.. p frust laa masih jua mcm last year.. frust laa bagi ku cos aku ni perayaan freak ni.. sukaaa ku berabisan.. tutong punya perayaan few years back is the best to me.. even if inda pyh ke bandar or KB pun ok.. semua ada.. longan, sutung tutuk, lekor, nasi bungkus.. dulu ada pertandingan lagi tu aa.. siiiiiiuuuk! aku frust bah mcm di bsb grenti meriah lah mcm last year.. and maybe KB jua and temburung.. tapi my district?? its just once a year and took like 15 days jua saja but why?? why tutong? why?? dulu even ada bunga api lagi courtesy of Mr. Huaho.. siuuk berabis! been nagging about this since last year.. i hope i won't be nagging about this lagi next years to come.. maybe if ku beranti nagging about this meaning fedup th sdh ku tu..ahaha over eh.. sadang2.. kesian jua bah for the kids (temasuk aku jualah..ahahah) yang mau jalan perayaan.. paksa th menunggu ujung minggu kan ke bandar apa.. ok plg jua if kan buat perayaan di sana tapi make sure label2 menuju ke sana cukup.. for KB-ians, BSB-ians grenti inda taulah tampat tu.. most of them i think.. then penjual nya kessiiiaan deh loo.. dlm 5 stalls kali saja.. huhhu bah ok sadang..heheh so di mlm kami end up having our dinner at wywy tutong saja.. ordered buttermilk chicken.. nyums! tediam jua ku sekajap..heheh

Till then, liat leverage ku dulu.. much <3

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