Monday 3 May 2010

Singapore part 1

Hello again.. I cnt sleep so let me just blog k :) tadi i was reminiscing my past when i was a childhood memories.. When i was a kid, dad was sent to spore for 3 years so we stayed there for 3 years.our first home or apartment to be exact, was at taman serasi.. I rely missed that place. Ia atas bukit. Turun saja ada taman selera which i remember mee rebusnya nyman berabis. And beside that taman selera is the botanical garden of spore..the famous garden di singapore and the whole world jua kali..every evening we'll go there jln2 feed the fish and swans..siuk~ oh and i rember jiran kmi hensem so kdg2 dtg kmbang kmi bell rmhnya and trus lari.. Prnh tu mamanya bell rmh kmi.. Inda plg ia lari..keke i tgur ja cs kmi men2 bell drg..toink toink toink..

And the best part (p time tu ku nda rasa best lh) we got to go to ISS (the international sch of spore) if di brunei ia cm JIS lh..and skulah tu kan atas bukit..every day mesti naik around 500 steps bru smpi k skulah..kesian kn.dlu cm nyumpah2 tu dlm ati bt nw i knw its a morning excercise bh 2..ptutlh students sna tu pndai2.. Yah it was cool to be it that skewl but nda jua kurang racism nya.. I dn rely have many frens time tu.. Most of d time ku sorang2.. cos students sana like to mingle among their group saja and time tu mana jua ramai orang brunei sekulah sana.. Masa elementary bru start ada bestfren from india, her name was sonia apte..i wonder where she is now. she was the best! : ) i rember msa rh muka ku tumbuh panau..aduh sdh lh nda femes da panau lg 2..huhu beri malu lh.. anyhow, Im proud jualh cos i was one of the best music student dlu smpi dpt certificate..hehe and den masa mula2 dlu kn ndalh brapa phm kn ckp english so slalu lh da miscomunications.hehe kesian deh loh! Pernah msa swming class my teacher said pki bju swimming dri class ku pki bju swimming lh smpi naik bus and smpi menuju k tmpt swiming.pnya lh ku malu aku sorang ganya yg seksi spnjng prjalanan atu.. Org lain pki plg jua bju swimming but drg bwa cover and aku inda! My gudness..cna blh ku tahan dlu 2 ah.. Nsib jua damit masih.
Mun tym bsr..bri hawarrr!

*to b continued* ngalih ku..haha

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