Saturday 19 December 2009

What's important?

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA **laughing hysterically** bear with me yah~~ thats just a welcoming speech~ wth! Im bored here at home.. my sis and bro are going out to the mall to The Secret Recipe.. i didnt wanna go cos Im saving $$$ for my hostel rents! ceh!!! and now im officially feeling frustrated!!! i wanna go to the secret recipe!!! I know my sis plg yang belanja tu but someway or another there is this feeling of boring-ness bejalan but having no $$$ in ur wallet *i guess u know that feeling* ~~~~ Thats just me feeling upset~~~~ *ignore me*

Last night we experience blackout at home *or was it the whole of Brunei or Tutong??* it was only about 15mins and all of us gathered at the living room with only 2 lighted candles~ wah! romantic giteewww~ while menunggu karan buka kami share2 cerita lah and joke around~ my dad cerita about one of his indian workers ani. his Malay is always tebalik bah.. cam that day he said 'hari ini kambing sembelih orang melayu' which he meant was ' hari ini orang melayu sembelih kambing' ceh!huhuhuh one time atu he ordered his workers ani.. he said ' kasi buang itu tanah dalam kereta' so the workers tot he wanted them to put sands into the car~~ ahah but he actually meant 'tanah dalam kereta itu kasi buang' hahahah see how language plays a very important role in communication and instructions specifically~~~so beware!ahahah

My brother akim asked my dad last night, 'Bah kalau kucing kawin sama kangaroo, anak nya apa?' bah bah cuba kamu teka~~~~ 3....... 2 ..... 1 .... teeeetttttttt~~ jawapannya doremon! ahahah wth!

Oyaa, that day i promised to cerita bout my experience during my bro's berkhatan tu kan... ooo gimana mau start yaaa.. it was a totally new experience for me.. i even when inside the 'operation area' and see them operate it LIVE! i wasnt very please with the environments and surroundings tho.. back then when i was in the operation room at ripas, getting rid of my mole, the operation room was very pleasant and friendly.. they played musics and the doctor explain to me every procedure like 'ok now mau potong, ok now mau jahit' so at the same time the nervousness atu fades away~ but this one, masa beque to the guy playfully showoff the equipments, u know things like scissors and knife, to the children.. even i myself was getting nervous at that time.. how i wish in the waiting room they provide the kids with comics or tv shows that can alihkan drg punya nervous atu bah.. and masa dalam operation room u can see and hear every bits of the procedure which makes my brother more and more nervous.. we did bawa cerita2 plg.. but of cos the curiosity of whats going on to his 'thingy' makes him meliat and bangun occasionally which menambah lagi nervous and kesakitan atu.. im not saying it was a bad experience, i do salute the way they did the thing.. very experienced.. like one of my friend said, 'baik inda boring tu aa meliat atuuu tah ganya..ahahah' just wan them to touch on some motivational aspects for the kids so that it does not become one of their bad experience in life.. maybe jua cos they just move to a new place so they havent done much yet to the place :) I do hope in the future it would be a better and happier process for the rest of the kids or even my kids nanti :) amin~~

oklah, gtg now~~ c u guys in my next posts~

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