Thursday 26 August 2010

just sending you my love

Assalamualaikum~ ohmy.. its been really a while~ how are you guys doing so far with ur ramadhan? ada ponteng?hehe mine is doing okay so far.. alhamdullilah~ so far masih mampu untuk berpuasa :) ive not been staying @ hostel for like...mmm.. 3 weeks? start ramadhan lah catu.. been going back and forth to uni every mon, wed and thu.. hehe sebelum ani i feel reluctant to drive the family car mainly cos ia panjang bah.. hehe u knw, grandis kan.. hijab hijab ku bah~ but kuatkan ati jua.. mula2 kajar2 lutut plg.. but lama2 tu biasa and i feel comfortable sdh.. plus staying at home is farrrrrr funner than staying at hostel pasal di hostel girl nada canteen bah ..huhu so walaupun kdg2 ngalih drive ulang alik to bandar and danau but having the feeling of going back home and be with the family gives me that very welcoming and motivating feeling :) but i do miss my hostel room tho.. and yea.. that day on my way back home from class, ada this iklan from the radio.. i duno if kamu pernah dgr but ia menyentuh hati lah bagi ku.. intronya lagu raihan.. then ada voice ni ckp something like, 'jika Ramadhan ini adalah ramadhan kamu yang terakhir pasti kamu tidak akan tidur malam kerana tidak mahu berhenti berzikir kepadaNya, memohon ampun atas segala dosa yang telah kamu lakukan...' something catu laa.. time ku dgr tu.. titik2 airmata ku~ feel berabis eh...... love that iklan.. talking about airmata kan.. hmmmm.. as far as i can remember, mcm bth berabis sdh aku inda keluar airmata.. i mean menangis yang jenis raung2 atu bah~ tipu lah if i say my life is happy all the time..  i do face  problems.. sad moments.. tapi masih jua inda mau menangis.. kenapa tu aah.. is my tearduct drying up sdh kah?? or maybe its just normal~ i dunno when this tears will fall.. but i hope it will soon cos i kinda miss it~ sometimes we need that kan.. when everything's accumulating.. we just wana cry just so to make us feel much better after that~ that may not solve anything but AT LEAST it'll cure :) 


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