Friday 5 February 2010

Im here~ :)

Salam~~ waah its been a while.. ive been updating myself in tumblr and not here.. biasalah kesakaian alert..heheh its friday today and im home.. polishing my L&D presentation and report for Monday.. Nevesss eh.. maybe pasal lama dah inda present.. i really need to gain more more confidence.. been losing those confidence bit by bit.. and im afraid to lose all of them when the time comes.. who knows? its week 4 of the semester.. kan masuk week 5.. inda terasa banar.. so far the semester has given me lots of joys.. the best semester so far.. the courses are great and the lecturers too! Love them till bits~ they are so supportive, funny, open-minded, helpful~ aaaa.. so lucky to be in all the courses :) *im so happy*

I just realize whenever lecturers called me by the name of Nurul or Khairunnisa my coursemates jadi cam "uh? sapa tu??" ahahah funny~ well.. im better known as mumui.. can't blame them jua..hehe i was a bit sad lah yesterday.. our last class with mrs Azura for maths.. i really love her class.. very informative and byk benda baru yang ia ajar pakai ict.. which i love.. creating assessments using ms excel (cool!), researching on virtual manipulatives (cool!cool!).. siuk lah and she's very friendly, approachable.. but she delivers her lesson well.. will miss her~ huhu

My brother ajim, masa ni Teaching Practice and been hearing lots of funny, amazing stories on his experiences.. buat me neveessss plg kan TP..huhuh kelmarin ajim ceta.. in one of his class ni da student SENA ( a child with special needs).. jenisnya inda pandai teranah.. lari2.. kali ia kan ke jamban.. balik dari jamban rupanya menukar seluar ya ke jeans..ahah ntah2 kan k mall kali ya.. kali bukanya seluar lari2 th ia rh stadium sekulah.. sibuk lah c ajim.. but durang ni cannot be blamed juakan.. they are a lil bit less than normal but doesnt mean they can't be treated equally. and we cannot blame jua to the TP students cos they are not given proper guidance and courses on how to handle these students.. but i know they re trying their best to learn and to understands their every students needs.. keep it up TP students~ all the best to u all!

@Home sweet home

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